American English School Fukuoka
English Fluency Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High School, High School and College in Fukuoka & Kitakyushu Japan
No 1 academic preschool in Fukuoka prefecture.
Connely International Academy
The Best American Education in Japan Coming Back Home
Connely International Academy (CIA) is a conservative, patriotic type private school near Lincoln Nebraska
Email us for more information
Education Like You Have Never Seen Before
How are OUR classes different...
*Grades are not age based, but merit based. Those who develop quickly are not held back
*Those who need extra time are given extra time to complete ALL base academic studies
* When a student advances to the next level, his or her t-shirt color changes
* Our school is in session year round, with many more hours in class that what is required
* Our attendance policy is very flexible so a family can take vacation at any time
* Our classrooms are electronic device free, students use paper, pens and books
* Homework is rarely given... Our in class time is not wasted checking homework
* We have a STRONG patriotic emphasis teaching Christian Heritage Constitutional History
* At CIA we KNOW the differences between boys and girls, and do not play WOKE games
* Military Studies, Gun Safety, Weapons Training, Survival Skills, and Self Defense are taught
* Business Skills with Entrepreneurship, Public Speaking and Leadership are taught
* Multiple computer skills are instructed, BUT only in the computer lab
* We maintain a radiation safe environment (unlike schools with cell towers nearby)
* Children can be dropped off as early as 7am, picked up as late as 7pm
* If needed, we do offer student boarding services (all night or extended periods)